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Job Search Strategies | Networking | Interviews | LinkedIn Etiquette | Recruiting Realities | Self Advocacy | Personal Brand | Mentorship | Growth and Development | Imposter Syndrome | Ghosting | Video Games
Can you be more specific?
How to be specific when reaching out to recruiters, hiring manager, or anyone for job search help!
Track your accomplishments
Here’s a hack I use to make sure I’ve tracked everything over the course of a year!
Lean into Curiosity
A piece of career advice that can elevate you no matter where you are in your journey.
👻 Ghosting - from the recruiter’s perspective
Ghosting. We’ve experienced some form of this as a job seekers. Hear about it directly from a recruiter. Aka ME. BOO!
Think you’ve been ghosted? 👻 Do’s and don’ts - from the recruiter’s perspective 💡
As a job seeker, you may have wondered what to do if you’ve been ghosted. Here’s a few ways to approach it, plus what to avoid.
How to stay in touch with a Recruiter: A Story
I was asked how to stay in touch with a recruiter if you’ve been rejected. Here’s a personal success story.
I’ve learned that you don’t get what you don’t ask for.
Here’s a few ways I’ve self-advocated for myself in my career.
Self-Advocacy Tips
I was recently asked about how to self-advocate in conversations about a raise, promotion, or consideration for a new opportunity in your company.
Today's my 1-year Netflix Anniversary! 🎉
Celebrating my 1 year Netflix Anniversary with some FAQs about my job!