🧚🏼‍♀️ Fairy Job Mother.

⚔️ Recruitment Jedi.

🎮 Gamer.

I’m described as energetic, positive, optimistic, enthusiastic, happy, and someone who spreads good vibes around like pixie dust. I believe in magic and I’m one with the Force and have combined my recruiting skills to match passions and careers together as a recruiter in my day job.

Being a Fairy Job Mother means I’m a talent strategist who helps organizations strategize, optimize, and scale their talent. I care about people and community and want to help them discover their authentic selves, reach their potential, and connect them with opportunities where they can be their best.

With 10 years in recruitment, I have experience and insight from having worked in industries such as tech, entertainment, media, and video games. I got to work at my dream companies and now I want to help others to achieve this too with the goal of making career dreams come true!

Lastly, I’m a gamer. I love cozy games, but I have an eclectic taste and play a lot of different genres because I just love video games. I’m working to build a community where I can bring everyone together to just talk about games, no matter what level of interest. I believe the gaming community is one of the best communities out there, and I want to work to make sure everyone feels safe and welcome there.

  • Current: Gaming Recruiter @ Netflix Game Studio


    • Sr. Talent Acquisition Specialist @ Ubisoft

    • Recruiting Coordinator @ Lucasfilm / The Walt Disney Company

    • Staffing Coordinator @ Dolby Laboratories

  • Current: Co-Founder of GameTalk Unlocked, a video game industry meet up organization


    • Chairperson, Professional Volunteer, Mentor @ SHRMatSJSU

    • Director of Professional Development, Co-Chair @ SJSU Filipino Alumni Network

    • Student Internship Program Manager @ Save the Water

  • SHRM Talent Acquisition Specialty Credential

    San Jose State University | B.S. Business Administration - Concentration in Human Resources Management

Fun Facts.

Disney fan. Star Wars nerd. Been in the same room as George Lucas. Been inside the Millennium Falcon. Was on The Star Wars Show for like, 1.5 seconds.

Sorry not sorry the funnest facts about me is Star Wars related.

Quotes that inspire and motivate my journey…

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."

— Walt Disney

“Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.”

— Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

“If you want to feel happy, do something for yourself. If you want to feel fulfilled, do something for someone else.”

— Simon Sinek